Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rappers Make it Rain...We Make it Snow!

It's been an exciting and exhausting day. I started my morning by removing the wallpaper border in our bedroom. You know when you're playing Mario and you get to the level where you have to beat a super hard boss guy to move on? This wallpaper border is the boss level of wallpaper removal. We bought a wallpaper removal gel solution from my fav store, and a scoring tool and used it as directed, but the effect was less drastic than we had hoped. However, after 4 hours standing on a ladder and scraping the crap out of my walls, it's off! Derek spent his morning being a good daddy and putting in Lucy's dog door.
But, no day of work in this home is without it's surprise project that must be done ASAP. Do you notice how the white pipe threading and the medal ring are one piece in this new fixture...
Well, apparently when we bought this house, we got a 2 for 1 special!
Because this is our only working shower, this topped Derek's list. As a result of this find and the unexpected extra time the dog door took, Derek didn't have much time to scrape the popcorn off our bedroom ceiling. And there is officially a need to rush because today we got a call, and our carpet will be installed Friday! Woot woot! I have the day off, and it surely will be a Good Friday. So, desperate, Derek caved and let me help him with the popcorn ceiling. Now, the rappers might think it's cool to make it rain (and I'm down with that as long as I'm beneath them ;) ), but we like to make it snow...
And with 4 hands instead of 2, we got the master done today. Only 2 more rooms to do before Friday (the rest of the house will wait, we just didn't want to ruin our new carpet)!

In other news, the roof was completed today! It looks so fancy. They'll haul away the dumpster tomorrow.
But all that simply wasn't enough for us. After a field trip to both HD and Lowes and some dinner, we decided to rip out the carpet in the master bedroom.

Oh, the white haziness in that photo? Not a crappy camera, that's all the dust from the popcorn ceiling that's STILL in the air!
Now, it's time for a siesta because we're exhausted! Back to the grind tomorrow!

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